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Trusted Mental Health Care Resources


Fanicy H. Sears is the owner of eMotion Therapy,LLC a private practice mental health agency located in

Birmingham, Alabama. Her life's work has been dedicated to understanding the psychosomatic effects of

chronic trauma in family systems. Over the past 20yrs, it has been her goal to help individuals, families

and couples reduce the mental, emotional and psychophysiological symptoms that are often experienced

because of persistent and severe Depression, Anxiety, Suicidality, Complicated Grief and PTSD.

She is licensed as both a Licensing Professional Counseling Supervisor and Licensed Marriage and Family

Therapist. As a supervisor, she oversees the post-graduate training and credentialing process for mental

health clinicians seeking licensure in the state of Alabama.

Ms. Sears believes that to be truly healthy and whole, we must reintegrate the parts of ourselves that we

believe are unlovable, bad or undesirable and may have separated ourselves from while operating in

survival mode. Ms. Sears believes to fully reintegrate our parts we must come to a deep remembrance

and acceptance of who we are and our eternal connection to unconditional love.

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